Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Brooklyn, BABY! + MySpace 101
Friday, April 27, 2007
Weekend Warriors . . . Can you dig it?
Yesterday wifey and I went to this fundraiser for this new non-profit African Health Now. They help address health care issues for Africans here and abroad. It was a very good event and we met some great people. I'll have to let you guys know about their next event.
Anyways here your list . . .
1. Tribeca Film Fest is having their Free Drive-IN Screening weekend starting today . . .yeah yeah it's raining - whatever.
Myself, I am going to check out Planet B-Boy (click for the trailer). There has been quite some buzz about this one.
And not to mention, on some level, I feel like I was a b-boy in my past life (although I'm not sure how that would work out considering (a) I was born in 1979 and (b) I don't believe in reincarnation) This movie looks GOOD! and i mean GOOD! 2. The Coffee and Tea Festival hits NYC again this weekend.
Saturday April 28th - 11am - 6pm
Sunday April 29th - 10am - 5pm
Metropolitan Pavilion
125 West 18th Street
$20 gets you a slew of tastings and seminars (yes I said slew)
3. Sunday ( IS supposed to be the nicest day so the 9th Annual Blakkat May Day Celebration should be a good time. Live music in a park, etc, etc.
Disclaimer 1: They are in the process of changing location and time so you will need to check their site for updates
Disclaimer 2: I have actually never been to this event but I have heard that it was cool. Also judging from the video on the website it was a pretty ECELECTIC crowd, but I did notice a lot of hippies - not that there's anything wrong with hippies. Hippies can have fun too. Just letting you know . . . 4. UNTITLED
An Exhibition Of Original Skateboard Art
April 12 - May 5th
516 W. 25th St.
This art show looks pretty interesting . . .
"Eyejammie & Consolidated Skateboards have linked up to present a group exhibition of painters, photographers, illustrators, clothing designers, graff writers, vinyl toy designers, skaters, musicians, graphic designers, moms, dads, cats and dogs. For Untitled, each artist was given a blank skateboard deck to create - with no instructions or time limitations."
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
First there's today, then there's tomorrow . . .
Apr 24th, 2007
Virgin MEGA Union Sq. NYC
Cover: FREE
SPANK ROCK 2 Hour DJ set!
Tuesday April 24th 7pm-9pm

For more information:
Wednesday, April 25th, 2007
6 - 11pm
$5 before 7pm
$10 with flyer or RSVP to muzikbutrfly@earthlink.net
$15 at the door
18 Little West 12th Street Between Washington & 9th Avenue
A,C,E,1,2,3;L to 14th Street
"To bring in the spring season RAZA, the newest Latin party in the Meat Packing District, returns with a celebration of cultural heritage... featuring Bryan Vargas & ¡Ya Está! on the live music tip. Juan Valentín will provide ‘la música’ on the turntables that will be sure to keep the dance floor ‘the place to be’. And, for those of you that may be lacking in Latin dance moves, Rodney Lopez (the famed dance instructor in the film MAD HOT BALLROOM) will give a one-hour dance class to begin the evening. " "One of New York's underground more prolific djs/musical programmers, Juan Valentín is a veritable old-schooler whose musical programming promises to elevate RAZA's revelers and take them on a musical journey from the Old World streets of Latin American ancestral homelands to the pavement of ‘El Barrio’, NYC in the mid-seventies. He bestly combines the new and throw-back sounds that have been the result of musical fusions of the multi-cultural people that make up Nuyoricans; salsa, rumba, deep house, boogaloo, soul, Afro-Latin, Bossa Nova, folkloric, Latin jazz, just to begin..."
Monday, April 09, 2007
Hungry? + For the Philanthropist in You
See preview invitation here
"A sampling of the food and spirit from New York's most dynamic neighborhood. 37 of the Manhattan's hottest Lower East Side and East Village restaurants offer tastings, and a full open bar.
Featuring a silent auction and DJ. Business card raffle drawing to win a Sub-Zero 46-bottle Freestanding wine storage unit"
Every Tuesday - VINO-VERSITY
@ Divine Bar West (236 W. 54th St. b\w B'way and 8th Ave.)
$35 in advance - go to their website for ticket info
$45 at the door, if available
call 212-265-WINE for more info
"Walk-Around Classes" with 24-36 wines.
4-26-07 - African Health Now Launch Reception
@ Sun West Studios (450 W. 31st Street, 10th floor between 9th & 10th aves.)
7-10 pm
Please RSVP by April 10th to neyeson@africanhealthnow.org
The evening will include A cocktail reception, open bar and silent auction
Dress: Business Casual
AFRICAN HEALTH NOW is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the health and health care of Africans by providing community education, accessibility to resources and by strengthening social networks.
And this IS a Fundraiser, so bring your checkbooks.
@ Sante Fe Grill (244 E. 79th St. b\w 2nd and 3rd Aves.)
$5 (which includes 1 free raffle ticket)
extra raffles are $2 ea. or 3 for $ 5!
A LOT of margarita (THEY'RE GOOOOOD!!!!), sangria, wine and beer specials!
There will be raffle prizes including, free private dance classes @ Arthur Murray Dance Studios, free wine giveaways, dinner giveaways and more!
Come out and support team "Hustlers 4 A Cure" on 5\3\07 as they raise money for AIDS WALK NEW YORK which is on Sunday, 5\20\07

Monday, March 26, 2007
to pass the time by . . .
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
you are what you eat . . .
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Channeling Project Runway + GOBS and GOBS of Art!!! + WORLD MUSIC
2\23 (and every Friday) K2 LOUNGE - "Time to Ascend" LOCATION: Rubin Museum Of Art (Art of the Himalayas) 150 W. 17th Street 212.620.5000 x344 TIME: 6-7 Happy Hour; 7-10pm Free Admission to gallery - Contemporary and Global Sounds spun by guest DJs.7-10 p.m. - Free admission to selected galleries. - Artists on Art: Contemporary artists respond to Himalayan art with free, informal tours of the galleries. Presented together with ArtAsiaPacific Magazine. - Tangka Painting Demonstrations by RMA Artist-In-Residence Pema Rinzin.7:00 p.m. - Theater ProgramSee Calendar for complete schedule.9:30 p.m. - CABARETcinema Free with $7 bar minimum unless otherwise noted.
2\22 -2\26 PULSE New York & The ARMORY SHOW (HUGE Art Fairs!!!)
TIMES: Thursday noon-6pm;Friday-Saturday noon-8pm, Sunday noon-5pm
The 69th Regiment Armory at E 26 street and Lexington avenue
free shuttle from Armory every 30 min
"In its second year, PULSE New York will feature high-quality works from 61 established and emerging galleries from 15 countries, including additions from Israel, China and Korea.PULSE, is a biannual invitational contemporary art fair, that will coincide with The Armory Show February 22-25, 2007. The Fair has been created to bridge the gap between established and alternative art fairs and will feature a range of international galleries that have strong and consistent exhibition programs and aesthetics. PULSE requests that participating galleries articulate their program in a curatorial manner."
Pier 94, 55th Street & 12th Avenue
Friday-Sunday February 23 - 25, noon-8pm
Monday, noon-5pm
Thursday, preview party
2\22-2\26 SCOPE NY International Art Fair
Sneak Preview Thursday, February 22nd, 3pm-8pm Daily Entry: 10am-8pm, Friday, February 23 – Monday, February 26, 2007 The Scope PavilionLincoln CenterDamrosch Park,Corner of 62 Street and 10th Avenue
"Scope hunts down that most endangered of species: the emerging artist. Both moving target and elusive chameleon, Scope’s 65 participants capture this exotic breed in their roving crosshairs. Challenging passive viewing with 25,000 square feet of open-range, Scope New York exposes visitors to a real-time survey of the contemporary art world available nowhere else. "
************************************************************************************ BLACK HISTORY MONTH @ LINCOLN CENTER The Paintings of Mike Cloud: In Celebration of Black History Month February 1–March 3 Tuesdays–Saturdays, 12:00 to 8:00pm The Gallery at Lincoln Center, Concourse level ofThe Metropolitan Opera House Free and open to the public An exhibition of African-American artists in Lincoln Center’s renowned List Art Print collection that features the works of contemporary painter and collage artist Mike Cloud, whose piece Large Abstract , is the first ever commissioned for Black History Month. Mr. Cloud has personally selected works by other distinguished African-America artists in the List catalogue, such as Sam Gilliam and Glenn Ligon to accompany his own in this exhibition. All works are for sale, issued as a signed and numbered print and as a limited edition poster.For further information, call The Gallery at 212.875.5017. Black Women Behind the Lens February 5–March 5 Daily 2:00–8:00pm The Frieda and Roy Furman Gallery, Walter Reade Theater Free and open to the public A sterling tribute to films directed by distinguished Black women, this powerful exhibition, comprised of 23 posters, offers the opportunity to reflect upon the cinematic triumphs of women who work behind the scenes in the film industry, overcoming serious obstacles to bring their voices and visions to life on the screen. Presented in partnership with Separate Cinema Archive. For more information: http://www.filmlinc.com/http://www.separatecinema.com/ ************************************************************************************ 3\10 Ladysmith Black Mambazo DATE: March 10, 2007 TIME: 8:00 PM Location - Brooklyn College: Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts 2900 Bedford Avenue & Avenue H PHONE: 718-951-4500 ADMISSION: Single: $35, $30, $15. Multibuy: $30, $26, $13 http://www.brooklyncenteronline.org/ ************************************************************************************ EVERY SUNDAY @ Nublu - Nublu Sundays 11pm Synth breakbeat jazz, electro-soul, Brazilian forro and Balkan beat. $5. 62 Ave C, between 4th and 5th Sts, East Village [F,V to Lower East Side-Second Ave] 212-979-9925 ************************************************************************************ Yeah so that's it for this installment . . . let me know how you like the blog so far and please send me your comments and suggestions on how I can make this blog better (comments aside from the obvious lack of consistency!) Peace. A.Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The Science of Love - http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/hottopics/love/. ENJOY !!!!
And as an added bonus . . . The History of Valentine's Day!!! - http://www.history.com/minisites/valentine/viewPage?pageId=882
Until next time!A.
Oh yeah - and today is my birthday!
"28 is the new 20."
Friday, January 05, 2007
Cheers to a New Year!
1\24 - 1\28 - Miguel Angel Zotto's Tango x2 http://www.nycitycenter.org/events/event_detail.cfm?event_code=TAN07
2\10 - 3\4 - The Jaded Assasin http://www.theatermania.com/content/show.cfm/show/128896 ********************************************************************************* OK I'm going to make it short since my intro was so longwinded. But everyone enjoy the long weekend, remember Dr. Martin Luther King and why we have the day off (well some of us anyway) and keep coming back. PEACE.