Thursday, July 13, 2006

You miss me?

Hey I know, I have been slacking and it this post is waaaaaaay overdue - my bad. I have just been running around in a little hamster cage that I like to call life (not your problem). Anyway I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend. I was going to go to the beach with the girlfriend (a.k.a MySpace Queen), but it looked like it was going to rain so I decided not to trek all the way out to Jones Beach to soak up some rain. So I decided that we should go to this block party down in DUMBO thrown by Halcyon Records. But then I realized that it was outdoors and I really didn't want to get soaked in the rain. So I watched some movies and ate Chinese food - yeah!

I have been trying to keep myself busy however and been doing things here and there. I went to that trailer park exhibit down in Petrosino park (see post from 6\30). It was actually a trailer and 2 other photo and sculpture exhibits sponsored by the Storefront for Art and Architecture on Kenmare and Cleveland. I went during my lunch break at work and then topped it off with a chorizo and cactus taco from La Esquina down the street (I think it rates as one of my top 10 lunch breaks of all time). Check out the pics (sorry no pics of the tacos) - it was actually pretty amazing.

Some of the sculptures and a photo from the exhibit - which incidentally was called "portable"

Pics of the Trailer Park (the first four are of the inside and the last of the outside - duh!)

If you have gone to exhibits let me know what you think. The pictures of the sculptures don't really do them justice and don't show exactly how much detail is in each piece. If you haven't gone what are you waiting for and let me know how you like that chorizo and cactus taco at La Esquina!

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