Thursday, June 22, 2006

First Post and Recap

So this is the first post for my new Cure for Boredom blog. Hopefully the first of many! SO spread the word I should be posting some new stuff in a few but for those of you who didn't get through the entire last of the Cure for Boredom emails or for those whose email magically appeared in the deleted items folder I have a quick recap for you. Enjoy! TONIGHT!!! Spoken Word Benefit Extravaganza!!!!! 7PM @ M1-5 @ 52 Walker St. $15 w/ flyer

DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY UNDER THE SUMMER SKY (sounds good huh?) - Lincoln Center's MidSummer Night Swing is baaaaack for all you danceaholics out there. Check out this year's line up I hope you have your dancing shoes on!


ROUND-TRIP TO PUERTO RICO FROM NYC is now $382 . . . But if you don't got it you can go to CAMARADAS EL BARRIO in Spanish Harlem and get a taste of PR for less $20 dollars AND enjoy some good authentic food and music from PR. Just so you know, you MUST and I mean MUST have the jibaro sandwich. It has got to be the best sandwich EVER! - no joke! And it is only 7 dollars. Anyway if you are feeling really ambitious you can have with a nice ice cold bottle of Chimay for an additional $10 and not the Premiere either, the Grande Reserve - that's that high class beer :-) Thursday night is the night to go, but be warned get there before 9pm as you won't get a table and it gets PACKED (like rush hour subway packed) after 9pm. Check it out - 2241 1st Ave.\115th St. - Shout out to Stacey for putting me on to this.


DANCE DANCE DANCE !!!!! - It's the OFFICIAL launch of the PS.1 Warm-up outdoor party series @ MOMA PS.1 in Long Island City - July 1st is the date and the 10th Anniversary BODY AND SOUL party is the event. If you love to dance or even listen to great music - this is the place to be. Party is from 3pm - 9pm @ $10 -


HUGE!!!! CRICKET EVENT 7\8 - 7\9 - Come out to Floyd Bennet Park in Brooklyn and see the best cricket players from the U.S. face off against the best from the West Indies. Thanks to Ro for the info. And I know I have some cricket fans out there!


And course . . . The play list

1. N.Y. Shhhh - Busta Rhymes (this is just straight FIRE!)

2. Kick Push - Lupe Fiasco (Another sureshot!)

3. Love Endeavor - Alice Smith

4. California Blue - Raymond Fiore -

5. Let's Do It Again - Julia Darling

6. Playing House - Kudu

7. Crazy - Gnarls Barkley

8. Number 1 - Pharrell feat. Kanye West

ALSO . . . . I am building a small collection on music videos on YouTube (and if you don't know about by now, then well . . . Well I don't know but you should check it out). Take a look.

Peace and don't forget to come back! A.

1 comment:

  1. very nice baby!! I look forward to getting more updates. Muah!!
    - Laura Dee
