Friday, April 27, 2007

Weekend Warriors . . . Can you dig it?

As I sit here at work (ssssshhhhh), it look like the sun is trying to make a comeback and it gives me hope . . . hope for a GOOD weekend.
Yesterday wifey and I went to this fundraiser for this new non-profit
African Health Now. They help address health care issues for Africans here and abroad. It was a very good event and we met some great people. I'll have to let you guys know about their next event.

Anyways here your list . . .


Tribeca Film Fest is having their Free Drive-IN Screening weekend starting today . . .yeah yeah it's raining - whatever.
Myself, I am going to check out Planet B-Boy (click for the trailer). There has been quite some buzz about this one.
And not to mention, on some level, I feel like I was a b-boy in my past life (although I'm not sure how that would work out considering (a) I was born in 1979 and (b) I don't believe in reincarnation) This movie looks GOOD! and i mean GOOD!


The Coffee and Tea Festival hits NYC again this weekend.
Saturday April 28th - 11am - 6pm
Sunday April 29th - 10am - 5pm
Metropolitan Pavilion
125 West 18th Street
$20 gets you a slew of tastings and seminars (yes I said slew)


Sunday ( IS supposed to be the nicest day so the 9th Annual Blakkat May Day Celebration should be a good time. Live music in a park, etc, etc.
Disclaimer 1: They are in the process of changing location and time so you will need to check their site for updates
Disclaimer 2: I have actually never been to this event but I have heard that it was cool. Also judging from the video on the website it was a pretty ECELECTIC crowd, but I did notice a lot of hippies - not that there's anything wrong with hippies. Hippies can have fun too. Just letting you know . . .


An Exhibition Of Original Skateboard Art
April 12 - May 5th
516 W. 25th St.
This art show looks pretty interesting . . .

"Eyejammie & Consolidated Skateboards have linked up to present a group exhibition of painters, photographers, illustrators, clothing designers, graff writers, vinyl toy designers, skaters, musicians, graphic designers, moms, dads, cats and dogs. For Untitled, each artist was given a blank skateboard deck to create - with no instructions or time limitations."

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